Nadira Škaljić Mignasson
Osnivač & Direktor
Nadira Škaljić Mignasson
Founder & Chairwoman
She has years of experience in the fashion industry in France, and has worked for and with designers such as Agnes b, Bonpoint, Antoine & Lilly, Nature et Découverte. She founded Udružene in 2012 to fuse modern design with traditional skills of knitting in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and to also enable the financial independence of women knitters. Nadira, who herself had to leave her home because of the war in the nineties; knitting has a symbolic meaning of reunification and creating new connections.

Mona Vobornik
Koordinatorica procesa proizvodnje
Mona Vobornik
Head of Production
This work, which combines the business world of high fashion with socially and economically vulnerable categories of women in our country, fulfils and inspires me. We create outstanding products for domestic and foreign markets, and at the same time we maintain the tradition of making handmade products. Additionally, this creative and dynamic environment provides additional value to my work and what I do.

Seida Avdić
Koordinatorica & kontrolor kvaliteta
Seida Avdić
Knitting instructor & Head Of Quality Control
The job is very demanding, but also creative and fulfilling for my personality because handicrafts have always been part of me. I wish to thanks the Association Udružene for existing and keeping our handicrafts from oblivion!

Mujesira Kalić
Šnajderica i asistentica u pripremi i logistici proizvodnje.
Mujesira Kalić
Tailoress & Production Operations
I am originally from Montenegro and I have been living in Bosnia and Herzegovina for many years, but I was only after I started working for Udružene, I began to feel Bosnia and Herzegovina as my home as well. I’m doing a creative job with wonderful knitters and wonderful people.

Andrea Maksić
Koordinatorica za administraciju i projekte
Andrea Maksić
Administrative & Projects Coordinator
The amazing energy of the association Udružene inspires me always and again to give my best, and to try to be a better person every day, and to share at least a tiny bit of the positive energy I get with the others.

Renata Leposha Raus
Koordinator za administrativne i logisticke poslove.
Renata Lepoša
Administrative & Logistics Affairs Coordinator
I work in the creative Association on the administrative and logistical tasks. I’m surrounded by valuable women who with their hands create works of art. I have been working for Udružene since 2014 and as the Association has been growing and developing and I have been growing together with it.

Rabija Fejzić
Production coordinator
Rabija Fejzić
Knitting instructor & Head Of Quality Control
I chose knitting because it allows me more creativity and imagination and only those who work in handicraft know how much it demands – first of all love, patience, skill, how much you give something invisible to each thread, and these tiny threads are thousands and thousands to make something nice, quality, usable. Udružene gather women who, through their work and effort, preserve this noble skill from oblivion.

Aldijana Karamehmedović
Production assistant
Aldijana Karamehmedović
Production assistant
Creativity, courage, and optimism are the guiding principles in the work of Udružene, and I enjoy being part of a team committed to preserving the tradition of handicraft in Bosnia and Herzegovina and to presenting Bosnia and Herzegovina at the world market.